Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa is coming to town....

I had really hoped that the snow would be enough to keep anything weird from happening for a little while after the horsemen were finally dealt with. But, no rest for the weary. There's been an unusual serial killer going about recently basing his murders on the twelve days of Christmas. Some of the description's I've got was a man dressed in a Santa outfit carrying a sack full of body parts. Well whoever this sicko is, has slipped away every time we've got close. There's been a few suspicious people we're also investigating who've been nearby during some of the murders, but we haven't yet gained any leads.

A friend of mine was almost the unfortunate victim of this guy, so it startled me more than a bit when I heard. She looked alright considering when I last saw her, though she didn't seem aware of what had happened. Maybe it's for the best she doesn't.

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