Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Threads of Fate

Random thoughts for so long come to me, as if the cosmos in communicating in an intricate weave of circumstance and fate. There's an overabundance of coincidences culminating into a mutual disastrous end. The endless night, the return of darkness. No matter what awful creature seeks it or has spoken it, it haunts me. Incomprehendible entities, or whatever the Tohu va Bohu really was. The arrival of the Devourer, drawn forth from their lingering energies, and now these amorphous life forms, the cultists, Dagon and Cthulhu. Could catastrophe after catastrophe herald destruction itself? What twisted fate brought things into motion that could be so easily set up to start our current crisis? Even the cards are held by different hands, it's no doubt that lingering wounds from one event have had grave impact on each in turn. Ripples in the pond. And it's becoming harder to recover from.
What these entities seem to have in common is they come from parts unknown. Places most mortal minds could not comprehend or be driven mad. Could they all be related? I may never know, and the thought of it is truly terrifying if it has any truth to it. The vessels, the portals, their plight of slowly being drained away. I've experienced and seen it before while possessed. It's hard to ignore any similarities. The Devourer lied, tempting those to give themselves willingly to the all consuming darkness, but it eventually did show it's own madness. It would hurt itself to keep me from wresting any control. When these other creatures came into our world it seemed curious one moment and annoyed the next. It even allowed one of these shadow figures to take some of it's power, perhaps a way to spread its taint even further.
What I felt within the Devourer was wrath, rage, and anger. And hearing a theory that anger was the beacon for another entity leads me to believe that some of these happenings have set things in motion or at least transpired to one another. The Lycan and Kindred war fueled much anger in the city. The traces of the battle with the horsemen was never completely resolved, and that seed of darkness grew into what became the Devourer, but why did it? And why did it happen when it did? Why still do these new threats also threaten to bring about the endless night? Are all roads in this spiderweb of horrific events leading to a single point of complete destruction? I don't want to think of it. I don't know these other beings, nor their servants, but by all accounts they seem as if they could be worse than even the entity I was possessed by. And if that is true, we're in for a bloody conclusion.

1 comment:

Joah Menjou said...

Joah's eyes scan the pages of Faye'Li's journal. She takes a small tablet from her pocket along with the stub of a pencil, and then writes this note: "Seek out Mr. Constantine." She closes Faye'Li's journal, tears the page from her tablet and tucks it just inside the front cover.